Go to Market Help for Tech Scaleups
We are a collective of experienced scaleup operators who help tech scaleups develop and implement strategies to go to market. We help companies develop strategy, go to market, drive revenue growth, satisfy customers, raise capital, develop a management team and scale efficiently.
Each of us has spent years in the trenches, acting as Founders, CEOs, COOs, CROs, CMOs, CFOs, CHROs and in a variety of other roles in tech scaleups.Using a fractional executive provides you with experienced resources at a fraction of the cost of a full-time resource, enabling you to accelerate growth in an efficient manner.
In addition to years of scaleup operating experience, what makes us different is research. The Narwhal Project has spent over 20 years researching the underlying factors essential to creating world-class technology companies. Our objective has been to understand how companies can accelerate their growth in an efficient manner, thus reducing the risk born by the founder while delivering best in class rates of return. We have produced over forty research papers on the subject of scaling up. These are the latest three.
Scaleup Math for Efficient Growth
M&S 33% of next year’s revenue
Losses less than 10% of revenue
A 50% growth rate
Capital 50% of Revenue
To get a 16 times return of capital
Market Sizing
If you’re starting or scaling a new business, the most significant determinant of its growth rate and how big it will become is the market size you’re entering. Unfortunately, figuring out market size is not as easy as it may first seem. That’s why we wrote a short book on Market Sizing.
“Market Sizing” is a practical guide for entrepreneurs and product or service innovators aiming to launch new products and scale businesses effectively. Through case studies and research, the book provides frameworks for evaluating market size, defining Total Addressable Market (TAM), and analyzing competitive landscapes. Key concepts like Potential Addressable Market (PAM) and Future Addressable Market (FOM) are explained to aid in strategic decision-making. It also shows how correctly establishing the size of the market can enable an entrepreneur to develop effective strategies for growth and financing.
Product Market Fit
If you’re trying to scale up your business, one of the steps along the way is to achieve strong product market fit. In order to get there, you’ll need to understand your prospective customers. In fact, if you listen very closely, your customers will tell you what business you’re in. The thing about customers is that they don’t talk very loudly and sometimes they won’t talk to you at all. They won’t tell you what they want or what you should create.
We often think about innovation as the introduction of something new in the market. Successful innovation is when the market accepts that new something. Huge success happens when there is excellent product market fit. But behind all of these definitions is another way of looking at innovation. I prefer to look at it as the process by which people come to change their behavior. This is a customer centric view of the process of innovation instead of a product centric view. The reason that many new products fail is that the creator doesn’t pay enough attention to the buyer. The purpose of this book is to focus on the buyer of innovation and the way they come to change their behavior.
“Product Market Fit” is a roadmap for understanding your customers. It’s about figuring out what triggers them to buy, what barriers get into the way of making a sale, and how they look at your competition. It’s about how to listen to your customers so that you can understand their behavior and capitalize on it to make your business a resounding success.