
Dear Social Media

I’ve been meaning to ask you a few questions about networking. Thing is, I’m a bit confused about social media as a way to network.

It’s like I’ve entered a big room where I know a few people and now I have to meet the rest.

This big huge room seems to be mostly full of people who are talking at me, not with me. Can you imagine walking into this big room and finding that:

  • Lots of people want to tell you stories about their cats.
  • Others are trying to impress you about what they had read recently.
  • Some are trying to drag you outside to sell you something.
  • Many are just sitting there watching everyone else.

Come to think of it, you, my dear Social Media are coming to resemble a high school dance with the show offs, jocks, socialites, dweebs, nerds and wallflowers all playing their prescribed roles.

With all this noise going on in the dance hall, how do you find someone new with whom you want to have conversation? How do you network in a world where everyone’s talking and few are listening?

Best regards
